Become a Virtual Assistant and Work Like a Boss!

Hey, friends! Today, I'm going to tell you about a cool job called a virtual assistant, or a VA for short. Imagine doing your favorite things, not having to rush out the door in the morning, and being the boss of your own day. Sounds awesome, right? Well, it's totally possible as a VA!

What's a Virtual Assistant, Anyway?

A virtual assistant acts as a sidekick in the online world! VAs support individuals/business owners in their work tasks remotely, sparing them the need to be physically present in an office. This may include drafting emails, organizing events, managing social media, creating sales funnels and websites, or engaging in other enjoyable activities, all while working from the comfort of their own home.

Perks of Being a Virtual Assistant

No More Commute!

Say goodbye to waiting for the bus or being stuck in traffic. Working from home means you're already at the office. You can even stay in your pajamas!

You're the Boss!

When you're a VA, you get to make the big decisions. Want to start work after breakfast? Go for it! Prefer to have a dance break every hour? You got it. You're in charge!

Doing What You Love

Being a VA lets you focus on things you're really good at. Love to write? Be a writing whiz! Awesome at organizing? Plan away!

Time Off Whenever You Need It

One of the best parts? If something pops up, like your kid's teacher asking you to drop by and read a story, you can usually say, "Sure, I'll be there!" Because you set your schedule. ( This really happens, just ONE of the many moments I am so proud of)

How to Become a Virtual Assistant

Now, how do you start? Well, you can start with what you are already good at or you can take special courses that teach you VA secrets (like new skills or learning how to promote yourself and find work quickly) . Don't worry—later on, I'll add some links to super-helpful courses you can take.

Learn New Skills

First, think about what you love to do. Then, learn a bit more about it. You can do this by reading, watching videos, or even talking to people who are already doing it.

Get Your Tools Ready

Having a computer and internet is like having your pencils and paper at school. Make sure you've got what you need to be a great helper.

Practice Makes Perfect

Try doing some VA tasks for friends or family to get the hang of it. This is your training to become even more awesome! You can also try out some free tasks for strangers online to improve your skills and confidence.

Types of Work for a Virtual Assistant

VAs can do lots of different jobs:

  • Writing articles, blogs, or social media posts

  • Planning parties or meetings

  • Helping with homework or projects

  • Keeping track of emails and schedules

  • Designing websites or creating graphics

  • And so many more!


Becoming a VA is like starting a new adventure where you're the hero. You get to work in your favorite spot at home, be your own boss, and choose when it's time to work or play. If this sounds like your kind of job, here are a few options I recommend to get you started!

The Savvy Vault: The SavvyVault is a collection of over 80+ tech training courses made by experienced VAs to teach you the industry and tech skills you need to succeed. PLUS, monthly tech calls, access to a private community to ask questions anytime you need and LEADS aka potential clients looking for help! YOU CAN LEARN MORE HERE.

Roadmap 3.0: Now here me out here, this course is intended to be sold as a “passive income/master resell rights” course, which is it! ( You can learn way more about it all HERE) but I have to say this course has blown me away with the amount of depth it goes into teaching all things starting an online business. While the course is not intended to be sold as for start VA’s I personally think it is an AMAZINGGGG and pretty affordable way of learning important and valuable skillset. YOU CAN LEARN MORE HERE.

Who knows—you might be just a few steps away from being a professional VA!


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