Why Pinterest Should Be a Key Component of Your Marketing Strategy

When we think of social media, we tend to think of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, there is one platform that often gets overlooked but can be incredibly beneficial for business owners: Pinterest. With over 320 million users, Pinterest is a unique platform that is vastly different from your typical social media apps. In this blog post, we will explore why Pinterest isn't just another social media platform, and why you should consider adding it to your business's marketing strategy.

Look at Pinterest the way you look at Google

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest functions more like a search engine, just like Google. People use Pinterest to explore ideas, get inspired, find tutorials, and discover products. This makes Pinterest an incredibly valuable tool for businesses. Instead of competing for attention in a timeline, businesses can optimize their content to show up in relevant searches on Pinterest. This can lead to long-term exposure, attracting people who are actively looking for products or services like yours.

People head to Pinterest to search, not to see what their friends' are up to.

While other social media platforms are all about user engagement, Pinterest is all about content discovery. Instead of using Instagram or Facebook to follow friends and celebrities, people visit Pinterest to explore new content, get inspired, and learn new things. The best part is, businesses don't need a huge following to reach their target audience. By optimizing their content, they can let Pinterest do the rest and connect them with potential customers.

Pinterest is PERFECT for creating long-lasting content and driving traffic, generating leads, and making those sales we all strive for.

Another cool thing about Pinterest is that content has a much longer lifespan compared to other social media platforms. Posts on Twitter or Facebook usually disappear in a few hours, but Pinterest pins can keep driving traffic and engagement for months, even years! This means businesses can create evergreen content that continues to attract traffic and generate leads long after it's posted.

Plus, Pinterest users have a higher average income than users on other platforms. So, if you're a business looking to target a demographic that's more likely to spend money on your products or services, Pinterest is the place to be!

Pinterest is a super unique platform that offers a golden opportunity for businesses. With its focus on content discovery and evergreen content, businesses can use Pinterest to drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales.

Don't be intimidated by the platform! With a little love and optimization, you can leverage Pinterest's awesome features to level up your sales and marketing game.

So why not give Pinterest a go in your social media strategy?


What exactly is SEO for Pinterest?


Jump Start 2024 with Pinterest: Embracing Faceless Marketing